মঙ্গলবার, ৩১ জুলাই, ২০১২

Williamson County Receives Distinguis?hed Budget Presentati?on ...





Contact:??????????????? ConnieWatson????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? FORIMMEDIATE RELEASE







July31, 2012 (Williamson County, TX) ? TheGovernment Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA)has announced that Williamson County, Texas, has received the GFOA?sDistinguished Budget Presentation Award for its budget.? This is the secondconsecutive year that the Budget Office has received the award.

Theaward represents a significant achievement by Williamson County.? It reflectsthe commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highestprinciples of governmental budgeting.? In order to receive the budget award,Williamson County had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effectivebudget presentation.? These guidelines are designed to assess how well anentity?s budget serves as:

???????? A policy document

???????? A financial plan

???????? An operations guide

???????? A communications device

Budgetdocuments must be rated ?proficient? in all four categories, andthe fourteen mandatory criteria within those categories, to receive the award.

Todayin Commissioners Court, Budget Officer Ashlie Blaylock displayed the award andrecognized the efforts of Rebecca Clemons, budget analyst, for her efforts inpreparing the document.

?Assoon as the Commissioners Court adopts the county budget, Rebecca beginspreparing our 452-page budget document.? It outlines the entire county budget,budget policies and priorities so that the information is available to ourcitizens and is posted on our website.? This award is an acknowledgement of ourdedication to high standards for transparency,? stated Ms. Blaylock.

TheGovernment Finance Officers Association is a nonprofit professional associationserving over 17,600 government finance professionals throughout North America. The GFOA?s Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the onlynational awards program in governmental budgeting.


Photo:(left) Rebecca Clemons and (right) Ashlie Blaylock display the DistinguishedBudget Presentation Award they received from the GFOA.


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Source: http://wilcoareatimes.com/williamson-county-receives-distinguis%E2%80%8Bhed-budget-presentati%E2%80%8Bon-award/6207/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=williamson-county-receives-distinguis%25e2%2580%258bhed-budget-presentati%25e2%2580%258bon-award

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