It?s no secret: diets are extremely chal?leng?ing to stick to. Even after the ardu?ous process of edu?cat?ing your?self about dietary health, your body and your mind will seek to sab?o?tage you with a vari?ety of unhealthy crav?ings. Fats and salts are instinc?tively desired due to their rel?a?tive scarcity through?out human evo?lu?tion. In order to con?trol these pow?er?ful food crav?ings it?s impor?tant to be com?mit?ted to your?plan.
1. Stick to a sched?ule. By eat?ing meals at spe?cific times of the day you can tell your?self ?No. I will not snack now, I will eat my lunch at exactly 1:00PM.? This avoids snack?ing in between meals while still giv?ing your?self the meal to look for?ward to. Even?tu?ally, your body will adapt to this sched?ule and the hunger pangs between meals will?fade.
2. Use healthy snacks through?out the day. Snacks such as car?rots, fresh fruit, cel?ery and even whole wheat crack?ers can cut your hunger with?out a sig?nif?i?cant calo?rie bur?den. If using snacks through?out the day, ensure that you por?tion out spe?cific amounts at the begin?ning of the day, log these calo?ries in your diet plan and avoid the temp?ta?tion to eat more than you packed.
3. Drink water or tea. Drink?ing low-calorie or no-calorie liq?uids can help pro?duce a sense of full?ness and cut down on your crav?ings. While research is still being done, diet sodas may actu?ally increase these crav?ings. If you find your?self more hun?gry rather than less hun?gry after a diet soda, you may want to recon?sider your choice of beverage.
4. Occupy your mouth. Chew?ing gum is a great way to trick your brain and dis?tract you from your hunger. Sugar-free sugar gum is, of course, the most healthy but even chew?ing gums with sugar rarely have over 15 calo?ries a?stick.
5. Have a cheat day. If noth?ing else seems to be work?ing, con?sider adding a cheat day to your dietary plan. A cheat day is a sin?gle day in which you eat any?thing you want. With this method you will avoid feel?ing con?stantly deprived of food, which will help you stay resolved dur?ing the rest of the week. Stud?ies have shown that cheat days, when used in con?junc?tion with oth?er?wise strict diets, do not overly dis?rupt weight loss.
Weight loss is an intensely dif?fi?cult, but very reward?ing expe?ri?ence. Once you gain con?trol over your body you will feel more con?fi?dent and self-assured, along with the addi?tional health and energy that comes from obtain?ing your healthy weight and eat?ing the right?foods.
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